Bitcoin Incognito
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Bitcoin Incognito is an anonymous and fast cryptocurrency which sticks to the original standards of Bitcoin; keeping the user base incognito. By implementing Zerocoin Protocol and Proof-of-Stake technology they believe they are the closest thing to Satoshi's vision since Bitcoin itself. Their goal and purpose is to provide a truly anonymous currency which helps their users stay incognito in the cryptosphere.

Bitcoin Incognito Tech Specification
  • Consensus Proof of Stake (PoS)
  • Block Time 1 minute
  • Hash Algorithm POS 3.0
  • Org_ Structure Unknown
  • Open Source 1
  • Development Status On-going development
Bitcoin Incognito Team
Managing Partner
Managing Partner
Task Force Lead
Sr. XBI Developer
Sr. XBI Developer
Atomic Orchard
Head of Sales and Technical Marketing Partner