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A decentralized cryptocurrency project and is thus ruled by its passionate community of users, developers and various contributors.

Burst Tech Specification
  • Consensus Proof of Capacity (PoC)
  • Hash Algorithm Shabal256
  • Org_ Structure Decentralized
  • Open Source 1
  • Development Status Working product
Burst Exchanges
BigONE is a global digital asset trading platform that implements a 100% reserve and multiple protection measures to ensure the security of user assets
ChangeNOW is a non-custodial service for simple registration-free cryptocurrency exchanges that guarantees maximum safety, simplicity, and convenience for its clients
FTX is a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange built by traders, for traders
HiTBTC was founded in 2013 by a team of finance experts and engineers
Swapzone finds, aggregates and indicates the most relevant exchange deals on the crypto market
Launched in July 2018, ZBG is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange, a subsidiary of ZB