Anthony Scaramucci Claims SBF Is Guilty of “Betrayal” and “Fraud”

Anthony Scaramucci Claims SBF Is Guilty of “Betrayal” and “Fraud”
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In a recent interview, bitcoin bull and former White House communications director under Donald Trump Anthony Scaramucci compared former FTX executive Sam Bankman-Fried to Bernie Madoff, the man who orchestrated an investor Ponzi scheme back in 2008 to grow his own wealth and lead a billion-dollar lifestyle.

Anthony Scaramucci Says He Was Betrayed By SBF

During his discussion, Scaramucci claimed that Bankman-Fried was guilty of both “betrayal” and “fraud,” though at one point, he claimed he was a “friend” given he purchased a near 30 percent stake in Sky Bridge Capital, the hedge fund Scaramucci still runs. He also had a close relationship with the father and family of Sam Bankman-fried. Bankman-Fried's 30% interest in Sky Bridge cost approximately $45 million.

So, I [need] to tell you that the betrayal and the fraud is bad on a lot of different levels. It certainly hurt my reputation.

I'm just referring to the visceral relationship with someone. He then referred to Dante's "divine comedy", a poem. It certainly hurt my reputations.

I just mean the visceral relationship with someone. He hinted that this is likely where sbf is heading and stated:if anybody here has read dante alighieri’s ‘inferno,’ you know what the ninth circle of hell is reserved for.

I'm selling out a friend who lives with the devil. The 30 percent shareholding in the sky bridge bought by bankman-frit cost around 45 million dollars. Scaramucci said SBF donated the cash. He also claimed to have purchased approximately $10 million ftt, the now defunct native crypto exchange token (executed by bankman-fried). He stated:

Scaramucci said the SBF donated the cash. He declared, I made a mistake getting involved with Sam. On the whole, he hastened to say that he was wrong to involve himself in SBF and its companies.

He also mentioned that while the FTX drama is certainly a big blow to the industry, he doesn’t think it should be a full reflection of the space. He commented:

When you have a friend that betrays you like that, it really sucks, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of blockchain or crypto.

I'll probably do it again.

I was under the impression that Sam was the Mark Zuckerberg of cryptography.

What was once the big, golden player of the industry has collapsed into a giant heap of bankruptcy and potential fraud, with customer funds potentially being used to pay off a separate company’s loans and to invest in luxury Bahamian real estate.