Optimism Plans to Enhance L2 Scaling Network With ‘Bedrock’ Upgrade in March

Optimism Plans to Enhance L2 Scaling Network With ‘Bedrock’ Upgrade in March
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Ethereum Scaling Network Optimism, which operates as a two-layer network (l2), announced plans to upgrade their network in March. The upgrade, called "rock base," aims to increase the rate of transfer, reduce costs, and improve compatibility with the virtual machine ethereum (evm). The Optimism Foundation said in their proposal, "Upgrading Bedrock is an important step toward a multi-channel future."

Upgrade of the Optimism platform: optimisation of transfer costs and improvement of node efficiency.

Optimism, the L2 Ethereum scaling solution, plans to upgrade its network in mid-March 2023 with a new ruleset change called Bedrock. On the first of February, 2023, the optimistic foundation tweeted regarding the proposal, , "the optimistic foundation proposed the first update of the protocol to the collective optimism: base." in a separate tweet, Official optimism twitter account expressed the excitement of introducing the token home proposal. Optimism’s tweet adds:

We consider Bedrock the high point of years of R.

The Optimism Foundation’s upgrade proposal details the first official release of the OP Stack, a set of modular components powering Optimism. Bedrock aims to improve transfer costs through optimized data compression, reduce filing times by better managing l1 reorganisations, enable modular systems and improve node performance. The proposal points out that the purpose of the bedrock is to maintain close compatibility with the ethemeter.

The Bedrock upgrade, the first official release of the OP Stack, will support Ethereum-centric design principles like EIP-1559 and modularity. As per the Twitter account of optimism, The upgrade would take about 4 hours and will not require a "regency." There is no need for measures to be taken by the end users of optimism, and chain history will continue to be available after the upgrade. The goerli test for optimism has already been successfully upgraded to the base without major problems, according to optimistic developers.

What do you think about the upgrade of the subsurface rock and its potential impact on the future of the L2 system? Reflect on these in the comments section below.