Mars4 Metaverse NFT Sale Raises Over $250k in a Day: The World’s First Virtual Mars NFTs Are Selling Rapidly

Mars4 Metaverse NFT Sale Raises Over $250k in a Day: The World’s First Virtual Mars NFTs Are Selling Rapidly
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Mars4 is a multi-tiered project that combines NFTs, Crypto and an immersive survival game together that will provide a window to a virtual Mars and a broader range of investment opportunities via the world’s first revenue-generating NFT.

The sale of mars4 nfts raised over $250k in one day and saw the parcels of land sell quickly through the epoch system.

Time periods: Cryptographic returns by levels.

The Mars4 TNTs represent geographically exact plots of land on the face of Mars, created with data from NASA and other space agencies, to be fully realized in modern 3D graphics. The March4 data are published as part of the epoch system that uses a scarcity model to set its prices.

The system of times is a tiered system that rewards investors in stages, offering better yields the sooner decides to invest. To familiarize prospective investors with the Epoch system, below the Epoch system is further detailed:

Investors who have purchased mars4 tnts during or before the current epoch (epoch 1) will receive 51% of the profits of the next epoch (epoch 2), redistributed as mars4 tokens ("mars4 dollars") in one lump sum after the sale of the etfs of that period.

The epoch system runs from epoch 0 to epoch 5 with each epoch containing a fixed range of nfts. After the end of an epoch, the revenues generated by that epoch are still redistributed to owners who have invested in all previous epochs. This system is applied everywhere, offering higher returns for investors holding earlier eras.

With over 56,000 NFT sold, only about 3,000 NFT remain before the first redistribution of the era comes into play. Once epoch 2 is reached, investors holding the NFT sold prior to epoch 1 will receive 51% of the income from epoch 2's NFT sales in March dollars.

Integrating Mars4 Chips: A Virtual Economy.

Mars4 will integrate both the mars4 token and the mars4 nft land into the upcoming survival game on the red planet, bring a whole new aspect to the investment value of the mars4 npt and create a lnp that can generate income for its unitholders.

Each NFT field sold is a virtual location in which the game is set up, allowing holders and players to make use of their own personal space on Mars. This Metaverse will feature survival and colonization mechanics and reward landowners that build up thriving communities within their NFT land plots and provide returns in Mars4 Tokens for both player and investor.

In addition, the game will make use of the mars4 token as its main currency, build a fully virtual economy that connects the mars4 nft to its own convertible token and allows players and investors to create wealth in the real world on a virtual march.


As each Epoch of Mars4 is reached, the previous Epoch investors will continue to receive redistributed Mars4 Tokens, meaning that the best time to invest and benefit from the Epoch system is always now.