WAX - R-planet staking still makes sense?

WAX - R-planet staking still makes sense?
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I had great expectations for R-Planet.

You could stake NFTsAs a general rule, .The game that was going to be released seemed interesting.


After grinding alien worlds cards and kolobok prizes I had 100000 Aether.

I bought 4 elementsAs a general rule, .I put them in the generator.


I lost 40000 AetherAs a general rule, .I lost the elements i boughtAs a general rule, .I went to the Alcor exchange and I sold the rest of the Aether for 60 wax.

I continued grinding and stakingAs a general rule, .The value of the NFTs I staked halved without a warning.

I continued grinding and staking anywayAs a general rule, .The price of Aether was also plummeting, but it didn't take much time sending koloboks on adventures and alien worlds could be fun once it is completely developed.

When the price of Aether went down to 0.0006 I bought some cheap alien worlds card, in sixty days i could sell the staked returns, so free cards.

Now I have almost 300 cards staked and 200000 Aether that would sell for 10 wax.

The value of Ather has gone down hard.


Staking I'm making 384 Aether a hourAs a general rule, .It's 9000 a day, 0.5 wax a dayAs a general rule, .2 euro a month.

It's free moneyAs a general rule, .The question is I am sure that i'm not going to lose those staked cards for wathever reason?

I spent a lot of time collecting them.

So probably I'll wait a week or two, if the price still goes down I'll stop staking and sell the Aether when the colonization phase starts.









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