W. Scott Stornetta
W. Scott Stornetta
 Location: New York, NY U.S.
 Education:  Stanford University, Ph.D., Physics, 1983-1989
 Education:  Brigham Young University, B.S., Physics, 1983
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Scott Stornetta is without a doubt, one of the founding fathers of blockchain technology. He is also a notable figure in the world of cryptography and distributed computing. The first mention of a blockchain architecture was from a publication he co-authored which described a digital hierarchy system known as a “block chain” that utilized digital time-stamps for ordering transactions.

The concept of a blockchain system was later adopted by Satoshi Nakamoto in developing the popular blockchain for Bitcoin. Together with his long-time colleague and collaborator, Stuart Haber, W. Scott Stornetta laid the foundation for the emergence of today’s blockchain technology revolution.

Stornetta is touted as the co-inventor of the blockchain, together with Stuart Haber. Stornetta has spent decades contributing valuable research and published materials to the field of cryptography and distributed computing and has consulted for several universities on the establishment of startup companies.

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AP Calculus / AP Computer Science Teacher