Litecoin Foundation

Litecoin Foundation
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The Litecoin Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Singapore. Their mission is to advance Litecoin for the good of society by developing and promoting state-of-the-art blockchain technologies.

Litecoin Foundation Features
  • SPEED – Litecoin transactions are confirmed faster than other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin because it generates a block every 2.5 minutes as opposed to Bitcoin’s 10 minutes. This means your money gets to its destination quicker
  • SECURITY – Litecoin keeps a record of every transaction in its blockchain which is near impossible to alter because of the way it is secured through miners and a high hashrate. Essentially the ledger Litecoin creates cannot be altered
  • LOW FEES – Whether sending large or small amounts Litecoin transactions have extremely low fees. Payment processing fees are also far less than those incurred by credit cards and other forms of payment an ideal feature for businesses
  • LIQUIDITY – Litecoin is consistently among the top coins in terms of liquidity. This means it is more readily available for daily purchases and conversions into local currencies.
Litecoin Foundation Team
Charlie Lee
Managing Director
Xinxi Wang
Alan Austin
Zing Yang
Litecoin Foundation Assets