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Qtum provides a Turing-complete blockchain stack, able to execute smart contracts and decentralized applications, comparable to the Ethereum blockchain. However, in contrast to Ethereum, Qtum is built upon Bitcoin’s well established UTXO transaction model and employs a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism that is more practical for business adoption.

Qtum Tech Specification
  • Blockchain Own Blockchain
  • Consensus Proof of Stake (PoS)
  • Staking APR 5.64%
  • Hash Algorithm POS 3.0
  • Org_ Structure Semi-centralized
  • Open Source 1
  • Development Status Working product
  • Hardware Wallet Yes
Qtum Team
Patrick Dai
Neil Mahi
Blockchain Architect
Jordan Earls
Core developer
Yunqi "Caspal" Ouyang
Web developer
Qtum Wallets
Circle Invest
Coin investing app
Bitcoin Wallet
Wallet for any cryptocurrency
Multi-chain crypto wallet
All-in-one cryptocurrency wallet
Qtum Exchanges
Anycoin Direct
Anycoin Direct is European cryptocurrency broker that allows its users to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies instantaneously using direct online payment methods
BigONE is a global digital asset trading platform that implements a 100% reserve and multiple protection measures to ensure the security of user assets
Bithumb is a cryptocurrency exchange platform based in South Korea
Circle Internet Financial Ltd
Swapzone finds, aggregates and indicates the most relevant exchange deals on the crypto market
ZB Global is a blockchain assets financial service provider
Launched in July 2018, ZBG is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange, a subsidiary of ZB