BitNautic Token
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BitNautic is a decentralized shipping and cargo platform based on blockchain technology. Aiming to provide a better fortune and golden opportunities to consumers, traders, brokers, agents, ship owners and the overall industry, BitNautic acts as a marketplace for goods and commodities where importers, exporters, end-consumer and producers are available to trade their products and ease their trading practices all over the globe.

BitNautic Token Tech Specification
  • Blockchain
  • Consensus Ethereum
  • Hash Algorithm
  • Org_ Structure Not mineable
  • Development Status None
  • Hardware Wallet Centralized
BitNautic Token Team
Gianfranco Pierini
Anmol Bajwa
Paolo Angelini
CTO, Blockchain Expert
Carlo Vespa
Lead Front-end Engineer
Saverio Salaris
Head of Marketing
Ciro Borrelli
Community Manager